Archive - July 2016

Cat de bine iti cunosti oamenii din echipa?

Draga domnule Manager General, in activitatea ta, acum ceva vreme, ai fost implicat in procesul de fuzionare a doua companii. De aici, au rezultat noi itinerarii, schimbari, noi tehnologii si inovare. Ai organizat un nou comitet de conducere, cu oameni specializati in tehnologie, sisteme, probleme de accesare a pietei. Insa nu ai consultat niciun reprezentant de la Resurse Umane care sa ghideze acest proces al fuzionarii. Pentru ca nu ai crezut, poate, ca ar fi nevoie. Si apoi a venit perioada aceea de criza interna: oameni putin implicati in echipa, rezultate slabe, desi ai fost convins ca noul sistem poate functiona impecabil. Insa oamenii? Pai, oamenii nu s-au adaptat pentru ca nu au fost pregatiti, nu li s-au recunoscut meritele sau pur si simplu nu si-au dorit sa se implice in acest proces. Si apoi te intrebi ce poti face? 

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How well do you know your team members?

Dear Mr. General Manager, in your agenda, some time ago, you were involved in the process of merging two companies. From here, emerged new itineriaries, changes, new technologies and innovation. You set up a new board committee, with people specialized in technology, systems, market access issues. But you haven’t consulted any HR representative in order to guide this merging process. Because you didn’t believe, maybe, that it might be needed. And then came the internal crisis period: people less involved within the team, weak results, although you were convinced that the new system can be perfectly functional. But what about the people? Well, people didn’t adapt because they weren’t prepared, their merits weren’t recognized or simply they didn’t want to be involved in this process. And then you start wondering what can you do?

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Costs or Investments

Do we consider people in our company as costs or investments ? And what does that mean for our decisions ?

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Costuri sau investiții

Considerăm că oamenii din compania noastră sunt costuri sau investiții? Și ce înseamnă asta pentru deciziile noastre?

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